Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Nautilus unveils new Stairmaster trainer

Underlining the Nautilus Health & Fitness Group’s commitment to be the ultimate equipment and service supplier to the health club sector, Stairmaster have added a new, top of the line, elliptical trainer to its range – the ClubStride™ 5100.

The new trainer features the Advanced Stride Technology (AST™) with patented, articulated foot pedals, which track the natural movement of the foot throughout the range of motion.

The unique upper-body handle design incorporates contact heart-rate and elliptical ‘keypods’, known as ROC™ (Remote Operation Controls), which allow users to quick start their workout and have fingertip control over resistance on the upper-body handles.

The new console features key touch technology, along with those types of workouts most requested by club members, including Calorie Burner, HR Zone Trainer and Fit Test. The console can also be customised to introduce exercise time limits and select either US or metric units.

Operators of the ClubStride will benefit from the special maintenance-free bushings in both its upper and lower swing arm pivots and the articulating foot plate, which do not need lubricating but won’t build up rust or start squeaking.

For more information on the StairMaster ClubStride™ 5100 – or any Nautilus, Schwinn or StairMaster product – please call Alex on +44 (0)1908 267 345 or email [email protected]

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